Please Consider Sponsoring Us

Since membership is free, we rely on grants and voluntary sponsorship donations to support us in advancing our important mission. FWAM is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductible. Please consider sponsoring us with a donation of your choice. Any amount is appreciated, but annual sponsorship of $50 or more are eligible for additional incentives and benefits including: 

  • Free or reduced registration for FWAM or Tree Farm supported events,

  • Your choice of one FWAM branded incentive item,

Walnut Sponsor ~ $25.00

Dogwood Sponsor ~ $50.00

$25.00 Voluntary Sponsorship

$25.00 Voluntary Sponsorship

$50.oo Voluntary sponsorship

$50.oo Voluntary sponsorship


Pine Sponsor ~ $100.00

$100.00 Voluntary sponsorship

$100.00 Voluntary sponsorship


Redbud Sponsor ~ $250.00

$250.0o Voluntary sponsorship

$250.0o Voluntary sponsorship
